To meet, to learn, to improve. What KUNA Pay has been up to this spring?
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To meet, to learn, to improve. What KUNA Pay has been up to this spring?

July 22, 2024

Great ideas do not appear out of thin air. New knowledge doesn't come to us in a dream. And new and exciting partnerships don't suddenly happen on the way to work. No, they don't. In order to keep moving forward and overcome new horizons, you need to leave the work bubble from time to time and communicate with new people. And the more diverse they are, the more opportunities will open up for us.

With this in mind, we planned our spring ‘tour’. First, it was Romania, where we took part in CryptoExpoEurope as a silver sponsor in March. In April, it was Lithuania and the incredible Baltic Payment Forum. In May, we visited Poland for Next Block Expo, one of the most interesting blockchain festivals in Europe, and ended up spending three days in sunny Italy at the blockchain lifestyle meetup Belonq.

Of course, it was an incredible experience. Firstly, different countries, different people, and different approaches to the same topics allow you to look at the situation from many different angles. Secondly, such offline meetings, when you can communicate with people live for several days and discuss various topics, are a guarantee of finding not only interesting interlocutors but also potential partners. This is extremely useful for the development of B2B business in Europe.

Now, after all this traveling, it's time to put together the knowledge and insights gained to organically implement them in the development of KUNA Pay.

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